Ted Koppel in Texas talks about State of American Journalism

Jasper Scherer--San Antonio Express News

“What social media does is give all of us the opportunity to say anything at any time at any length about anybody, without regard to fact-checking or its accuracy,” he said. “That’s something totally new.”

In his lecture about the state of journalism in America, Koppel offered a grave assessment of political polarization in the U.S. while underlining the importance of factual accuracy.

“When I would write a script, my script would be read by the executive producer, by a senior producer, by a fact-checker, before I could put it on the air,” he said. “And I felt wonderful about that.”

He later added that “a nation like ours cannot survive in freedom if we are incapable of agreeing on something as simple as what is factual.”



Josh Meeks