scroll down, or select one of the following categories:




Effective organizations and issue campaigns develop opportunities to give their audience a purpose. 

Effective organizations and issue campaigns develop opportunities to give their audience a purpose. Public Service Messaging is the process of crafting messaging that is modeled on the shared values that inspire your audience to act.

From drafting tweets that publicize an event, to publishing long-term, collaborative communication materials composed by diverse partners, we draft, edit and revise the writing that transforms your audience into stakeholders. 

Check out this best-practices example:



The Story Studio is video storytelling for business and organizations.

The Story Studio creates story-driven, short-form videos that create lasting value for businesses and organizations. We work with clients to create a series of five 30–60 second branded videos designed to cut through the online clutter and reveal the core value that defines your business or organization.

sample Stories from the Studio below:



#TxInfluence is a one-of-a-kind workshop for conferences and organizational planning meetings.


Produced in concert with the team at Focused Advocacy, #TxInfluence helps you cut through the sphere of noise surrounding decision makers -- ensuring that your story is heard. 

From city halls, to county courthouses, to the Texas Legislature in Austin, millions of Texans are showing up in-person and online to advocate for the issues that are important to them.

When it’s your time to speak, will your message be heard? How do you plan to make your messages stand out?  What will you say to the elected officials and fellow Texans to whom we all must look for support?

use the tools and tactics that professional advocates employ as they fight to be heard in Texas. 

Join us for this one-of-a-kind workshop in which we utilize interactive digital tools to engage workshop participants, who will help us shape the workshop’s focus and objectives – a fluid approach that allows us to provide a customized experience for each and every audience.

Using real world examples – including social media campaigns, lobby playbooks, regulatory wrangling, and professional association tactics --  #txInfluence provides a tailored experience that will equip your conference guests / employees to use the tools and tactics that professional advocates employ as they fight to be heard in Texas’ increasingly crowded public policy arena.



The social media toolboxes produced by our LCI Foundry are changing the way that clients invest their social media dollars. 

Successful utilization of today's social media channels requires daily output and creative, engaging content. Our social media toolboxes provide 50-75% of your social media output, freeing you to pursue the right social media opportunities whenever and wherever they present themselves. Among the tools you will find in your customized social media toolbox are the following: 

The LCI Foundry has been a core service since we founded this business in 2011.  Let us help you share your message via earned media, your network, and the networks of your friends, followers and allies

Branded collateral for every occasion.

Make your stories come to life, then share via social media.

9.11.01: Police Dogs
3.30.81: The day Reagan was shot.

Web destinations that call visitors to action.



Have a fire to put out online? Hoping to capture the fire stirring your live audience to action? Let us help you bring your message to life with mobile digital solutions.

For the pros who head out behind the wheel of our Digital Roadshow, the gathering of a crowd provides two opportunities: engage and try to win them over, or capture the spirit of the crowd and share it via your social media channels.  We send photographers, videographers, bloggers, and Audio-Visual specialists where ever you need them at a moment's notice.

We send cameras, photographers, screens, projectors, sound systems, and live tweeters, wherever you need them to be.