The social media toolboxes produced by our LCI Foundry are changing the way that clients invest their social media dollars. 

Successful utilization of today's social media channels requires daily output and creative, engaging content. Our social media toolboxes provide 50-75% of your social media output, freeing you to pursue the right social media opportunities whenever and wherever they present themselves. Among the tools you will find in your customized social media toolbox are the following: 

The LCI Foundry has been a core service since we founded this business in 2011.  Let us help you share your message via earned media, your network, and the networks of your friends, followers and allies

Branded collateral for every occasion.

Make your stories come to life, then share via social media.

9.11.01: Police Dogs
3.30.81: The day Reagan was shot.

Web destinations that call visitors to action.